Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on 2023-08-26
I like black girls! Do you like black girls? I dunno but the guys who made this site love black girls so much that they just had to dedicate a whole site to these round assed hunnies. Thats right these girls have always been known for their round butts and the guys from this site want show the whole world just how hot these ebony ladies are. If your an ebony lover to come check this site out cause you'll probably love what this site has on offer.
The content on this site is dedicated to all you ebony lovers out there, cause all your gonna get is phat black booty and attitude on this site. Obviously if you love ebony chicks then you'll love every single one of the models that star on this site, although I must admit I've seen some really unattractive ebony ladies before but don't you worry cause all the chocolate ladies on this site are very hot and horny. Now it's always been known that ebony chicks usually have large round sexy bottoms and I gotta say that there is definitely no shortage of that as far as this site goes.
Currently there are 57 scenes full of hot chocolate lovin for members to enjoy, all of the video files included on this site are in wmv format, the scenes are available to download in full scenes or short chapters, obviously the short chapters are there to make downloading video files a little more convenient for those members that are still on dial up connections, they are also very handy if you wish to skip the foreplay chapters and go straight to the hardcore stuff. Members also have the option of streaming the scenes straight off the site, which of late has been quite a popular feature due to the higher connection speeds that are available nowadays.
For the most part the quality of their videos is quite good, although I did come across a few scenes that look a tad grainy, though they don't look that bad watching them through a small screen but if you were to watch it through a full screen, you'll start to notice how grainy things get, but like I said earlier this is the case with only a few of their scenes and I must say that the quality of the videos do differ through out the different scenes, so you will come across some decent ones, but you'll also come across some pretty crappy ones as well, I guess we can't win em all.
Alright now for the picture content and I must say that I'm expecting quality pictures from this site, because the last site I had to review that is a part of the very same network that this site is on had really good picture content, so lets see if this site can match it. Just as expected the picture content on this site is just superb and it's a good thing that they didn't resort to video captures otherwise I would of had to kill someone, anyway all the pictures you'll find here are large, clear and bright, what more could you ask from a picture right? So far there are 180 picture galleries worth of hot ebony ladies and let me tell you this my friend these are a freakin treat and in a sense they beat the video content on this site when it comes to quality and consistency, definitely a treat for those of you who love viewing picture content over videos.
Alright guys this is where the developers hook ya! Not only do members have all of the content on this site at their disposal, but the password they acquire on sign up allow them full access to another 5 sites, these sites are on the same network this site is on and they each have their own dedicated niche, these sites include, Night Invasion, San Diego Latinas, Wave Hos and Insane Coeds, so yeah I guess you can say that there is a lot of porn keep their members, and if they get tired of all that black booty, then they can always check out the other sites that are on offer. so I've come to the conclusion that the site does moderately well as far as their content goes, though they do need to make things a little more consistent when it comes to their video content, as some of them are a little disappointing.
Now I was a little unsure of how this part of the review is going to go because the last network of sites I had to review absolutely dominated when it came to the sites mechanics and what not. so I'm glad to say that the site actually doesn't look too bad, it's certainly easy to look at and everything is nicely spaced out, but it somewhat lacks that feel of professionalism I got from the last network of sites I reviewed, but don't let that discourage you however, cause I'm just speaking from personal experiences and your tastes would probably differ to mine. Making your way around this site is as simple as using the navigational buttons found in the top menu bar just under the site's top banner, these buttons are obviously used to get to the different sections which make up this site, this menu appears on every page of this site, making the task of backtracking that much quicker.
The first thing that caught my attention as the home page fired up were the bonus site links found down the length of the left hand side of the page, clicking on these links should take you straight to that site's members area, so they've completely eliminated the process of having to re-enter your user name and password every time you head to another site, which in my opinion is a very smart move, as you'll find that a lot of networks out there will take you straight to the login screen and you have to do this every single time you went to another site on the network, obviously this task became very tedious and unnecessary, so it's good to see that they've taken that process out.
You'll find information concerning the updates to this site on the home page, the first piece of info you'll come across is a notice stating that they update at least three times a week, which is definitely good news for members and just below this you'll find thumbnail links to their latest video and photo uploads, underneath each screen shot is the exact date the content was uploaded.
All of the video files on this site are obviously found in the All videos section. This section is essentially a thumbnails gallery where each thumbnail is linked and represents one of the various scenes. These thumbnails are video captures taken from a particular scene's video file, so they should give you a good idea on what type of chick stars in the scene, you can also usually tell what the quality of the video is going to be like as these vidcaps are usually on par in quality with the video footage. Clicking on one of these thumbnails should take you to that scenes video downloads area, this area consists of the download links for the video files, a large thumbnail from the scene and a rating system for the scene. So from here you can either download or stream the videos and vote for it. The photos section is pretty much identical to this one, the only difference is that clicking on a thumbnail found on the main page will take you to a picture gallery instead of a video download area, but other than that they are pretty much identical.
The All Our Girls section looks to be an area dedicated to the porn stars that star through out their various sites. This area consists of thumbnails that are of close up shots of the models face, upon clicking one of these thumbnails you'll be taken to a page that will present all the picture galleries on their network that the model stars in, a nice feature for members that have fave pornstars and want to collect all of the photo sets that the model stars in.
Well I gotta say that the site works perfectly fine and there wasn't a moment where I found myself lost or confused, so it's pretty safe to say that navigating around the site is a breeze. It's good to see that they've caught on and decided to eliminate the process of re-entering your login as you go through the different sites on this network, so yeah they've done a great job in keeping things nice and simple, which is the way everything should be!
Well the site certainly works well, so there were no problems as far as the mechanics of the site goes, their video content is pretty standard and some of the vids do have minor flaws, but nothing to major, what really impressed me though was the quality of the picture content they provide, definitely one of the highlights to this site, so I'll finish of by saying the site is pretty standard as far as ebony sites go, in the end it's all up to you.