Ultimate Boot Fetish
Ultimate Boot Fetish 3184 Ultimate Boot Fetish I never knew there were so many different kinds of boot until I visited Ultimate Boot Fetish! This exclusive boot fetish site features European models in sexy clothes and boots of all types.
Monthly price $ 29.95
Our total rating: 0/10001

Ultimate Boot Fetish

Reviewed 2009-08-03 l Last update on

Ultimate Boot Fetish

Short Review

I never knew there were so many different kinds of boot until I visited Ultimate Boot Fetish! This exclusive boot fetish site features European models in sexy clothes and boots of all types. You'll see ankle, calf, knee-high and thigh high boots made of leather, PVC, and all kinds of other materials in every color of the rainbow with straps, cutouts, laces, stiletto heels, platforms and more.

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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

Ultimate Boot Fetish seems to be an exclusive collection featuring mostly European models in fairly softcore scenes. So far, there are approximately 158 photo galleries and around 70 videos. Members can also access a bonus section seemed photo galleries from other websites, behind-the-scenes footage, and even videos filmed at boot fetish parties.

The updates section is a bit of a mess and doesn't only the content included in the updates so it can be a bit difficult to tell how often materials are actually added here. Furthermore, there are no dates on any of the actual materials, just in the updates section. I think the site probably updates at least once a week but it would definitely be nice if they could be a little bit more transparent about things.

There is a heavy emphasis on the variety of boots here. You won't see the same old black, white, and red errors over and over. Instead, you'll see a myriad of different designs with a multitude of straps, buckles, differently shaped cutouts, varying height platforms, wide heels and skinny heels, shiny patent leather and suede.

Most of the photos here at Ultimate Boot Fetish would be just as at home on the pages of a fashion magazine as they are here at this boot fetish website. Sometimes the models get topless and do a little light touching, but for the most part what you see is strictly posing. They mix up the settings by putting the girls in all kinds of indoor and outdoor locations including the expected bedroom and living room sets as well as outdoor gardens, museums, seaside decks, casinos and bondage dungeons. Unfortunately, a significant portion of these are simply shot against plain white or black backgrounds and come across quite bland to me though the models and boots themselves are always hot. Photos are typically around 1500 pixels on the long side, and although there is some quality variation most of the pics are quite nice looking with good lighting and correct color.

For the most part, I was not particularly impressed with the videos here. Far too many of them are less than 30 seconds long and feature nothing more than a brief shot of a model walking down the street or a spoken promo for the site. Some real action in these boot fetish flicks would really spice things up. The dimensions and bitrates can vary a bit for the videos, but many are offered at up to 1280 x 720 pixels, 3600 kbps and look good.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

The tour pages for Ultimate Boot Fetish are a bit on the plain side, but they offer quite a few preview images and give a very accurate representation of the kind of models, boots and scenes you'll see inside. It would be a bit more informative for potential members if they were more forthcoming about the size of the collection and update frequency.

The inside of the site is a bit plain and I found the navigation awkward and annoying. For some reason, there are two different lists of boot models, one alphabetical and one not, and the search tool rarely returned any related results. I also found it a bit strange that clicking on the "all photos" link indeed took me to a list of all photos whereas the "all videos" link just took me to a list of models with videos available on the site rather than to the videos themselves making it difficult to determine how many videos there actually are.

The shopping section accessible via the menu is essentially just an ad, and the extras section is where you find behind-the-scenes and party footage, bonus boot themed photo galleries featuring web gals and pornstars, boot fetish PC desktop wallpapers, links to related sites, and a totally inactive forum.

Each Ultimate Boot Fetish photo gallery is available for viewing within the members area or in a ZIP file download in your choice of two sizes. Videos are offered for streaming in Flash format for download in MOV or WMV format.



Members Area Screenshots


Ultimate Boot Fetish is far from a perfect site, but it does have hot models in sexy boots going for it as well as the exclusive nature of the materials and nice looking photos. I'd like to see a better members' area design and more advanced features, and perhaps more action instead of just posing in the videos but overall I think this one is worth a look for boot fetishists.

Pros & Cons

  • + Exclusive boot fetish materials
  • + Seems to update weekly at least
  • + Most pics look nice
  • - Some quality variation
  • - Too many plain backgrounds
  • - A few non-boot related scenes