Handjob Spectacles
Handjob Spectacles 211 Handjob Spectacles Do you ever fantasize about those hot power suited business women or those ever so innocent looking office chicks, what about chicks that wear glasses in general.
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Our total rating: 0/10001

Handjob Spectacles

Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on

Handjob Spectacles

Short Review

Do you ever fantasize about those hot power suited business women or those ever so innocent looking office chicks, what about chicks that wear glasses in general? This site is all about chicks with white collar jobs giving some very sensual handjobs, so if you love smart looking chicks than you better check this site out, cause all their vids are 100% exclusive, in other words you won't find them anywhere else.

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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

I don't know why but personally I find chicks who wear glasses to be irresistible, maybe it's because I'm very attracted to chicks that are intelligent and people who wear glasses tend to look quite smart, or maybe it's because I used to have hot teachers that always used to wear glasses, who knows but many men out there seem to agree with me, cause they just can't get enough of these sugar mamas.

I gotta say that all of the starring ladies are gorgeous and most of them look incredibly cute wearing glasses, currently there are only 14 scenes to check out, although there are only a small amount of handjob videos available they've done a good job in providing a good selection of different types of girls to choose from, currently they have, brunettes, blondes, redheads, Asians and Hot ebony hoes, so no matter what type of chick your into you should find one here that'll float your boat.

All of the video files on this site are available in mpeg format and all of the scenes have been cut into short chapters in order to make things a little more convenient for customers that are still on dial up connections, there is also the option of downloading the scene in one whole file. The quality of their handjob porn videos is quite high and consistent, the motion of the videos is fluid and most of the videos are quite clear, however there are a few vids that tend to get quite blurry if you were to watch them through a full screen, but other than that they are really good.

Now I know that some of you will be disappointed with the fact that there are only 14 scenes, but this site may very well be a new one so it's probably still in it's early stages, check out the review for this site in few months and you'll probably find that their content numbers have risen. Whilst members are waiting for new movies to be uploaded to this site, they can always keep themselves occupied with all of the other sites on the SMDN network, thats right members acquire full access to the extensive collection of sites on the SMDN network as the password members receive will work on all the SMDN sites. Not only that but there are a further 45 bonus sites that members also have full access to, these bonus sites seem to revolve around the reality niche and a few of them do have very weird domain names, so there's definitely a lot of porn here to keep members busy as they're waiting for more movies to be uploaded to this site in particular.

I'm sad to say that there aren't any pictures included on this site, though there are 3 picture galleries included on the SMDN network. These picture galleries consist of high quality still photos which are a treat for the eyes if I do say so myself, the picture sets included are of 1 lesbian shoot and 2 pornstar shoots. By now you should have already guessed that these photos are immaculate and even the most brutal of picture critics could appreciate the quality of these pictures, lets just hope that they plan on uploading more picture galleries that are on par in quality with the ones they currently have, cause these really are a tease.

Well that pretty much sums up the content side of this site, they should really concentrate on getting some more videos up and running cause 14 scenes just isn't going to last, but knowing that there's all that other porn to check out it doesn't seem all bad.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

If I were to describe how navigating around this site is in a single word I'd have to say that it's quite innovative. At first new members may get a little confused because after loging in through the tour page you are taken to a site called Suckmydicknow.com and I'll admit that the first time I had to review one of the sites on this network I thought that I was taken to the wrong page as I was expecting to arrive on a page called handjobspectacles.com, anyway the reason why you are taken to the suckmydicknow.com page is because this is the actual homepage to their entire network and you can access all of the sites on the SMDN network from here.

The SMDN homepage is where you will find information regarding the upates to this the network, which includes their update history that spans over the past year, thumbnails of the next 3 videos they intend on uploading and information on their last 9 uploads, there's just so much information concerning their updates that members will never fall behind on whats been happening to the network. Judging by their update patterns it seems as though they update quite frequently, with at least 2 new videos being uploaded to one of their sites on a daily basis.

Further down the home page you'll come across the SMDN exclusive sites section, this section basically consists of several thumbnail links that direct you to the individual sites, each of these thumbnails strongly portray the niche that the sites are dedicated to and just beside the thumbnail is a short description on what type of content you can expect to see on the site. Clicking on anyone of these thumbnails will automatically take you to that site's video downloads page. Thats right you don't need to re-enter your login everytime you enter a new page, seeing as how they eliminated that whole process, people who tend to constantly go from site to site will be quite impressed with this function cause this will definately speed things up when it comes traversing through out the differnt sites.

Clicking on one of the site thumbnail links I mentioned earlier will take you to a site's videos download section. This section consits of a thumbnails gallery, all of the thumbnails on this page represent the individual scenes, each thumbnail is of a close up shot of the models face, making it a lot easier to choose which scene you wish to download. Clicking on any one of these thumbnails should take you to that scene's video downloads page. On this page you'll come across several thumbnails of the scene, these thumbnails are vidcaps taken from the scene's video file so they should give you a rough idea on what you can expect to see in that scene, each model has a number of different scenes you can choose from, which are all presented on this page, the download links for the video files can be found underneath the thumbnails I mentioned earlier, clicking on the link should automatically start the download.

Alright lets backtrack to the home page, towards the very bottom of the page you'll come across the various links to the 45 bonus sites, this section is pretty much laid out like a thumbnails gallery. Clicking on any one of these thumbnail links should automatically take you to the content section of that page just like the links for the exclusive sites. I must admit that I'm very impressed with the fact that they've completely eliminated the process of having to enter in your user name and password everytime you enter a new site, as I know that the task of doing that can end up being very tedious and repetitive after doing it a few hundred times.

Well there's not much else I can say about the navigation side of this site. I know I may have said this a few times in my review already but I'm very impressed with the set up they've used and it's safe to say that it's far superior than anything else I've seen as far as porn networks go, hopefully other networks will catch on and make something similar or something cause there have been only a few networks I've been impressed with, but the thing with this one is that they concentrate on all the different aspects of the site and not just their videos, which makes the overall experience of browsing the sites on this network that much more easier and fun, good job to the guys that came up with this awesome layout.



Members Area Screenshots


What impressed me the most about this site was the fact that navigating this site is just pure easy. They really do need to upload some more videos however as there just isn't enough here at the moment to last a good period of time, but I suppose it's not all bad as members have full access to the entire collection of sites on the SMDN network. As a stand alone site they need more content but if you were to look at it as a network there's a shit load of content here.

Pros & Cons

  • + Good quality vids
  • + Tonnes of bonus porn
  • + Access to multiple sites
  • - Not enough featured vids