Handjob Porn Reviews

Oceans East Handjobs

Ocean East Handjobs is an older premium porn website. It features girls, mostly Canadians, jerking off men in every way possible. Older videos were simple handjobs performed by amateurs, but recent videos show innovation, like tying down the man, reading a book while jerking him off, and so on and so forth. There is not anything else besides handjobs on this website, just like the name suggests. If you are a huge handjob enthusiast, then this website is just what you are looking for.

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Silver Cherry Handjobs

Silver Cherry Handjobs is the website you want to visit when you miss looking at young, tight girls expertly squeezing out the last remaining drop of semen from unsuspecting males. This is an older website, so do not expect excellent design or ultra HD videos, but it has everything about handjobs you could think of, mostly from amateur models. The most popular category is only plain handjobs, but if you dig deeper you can find femdom, bondage, edging and much more!

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