Reviewed 2012-01-02 l Last update on 2023-08-26
On Dirty Sluts and studs you can see only the hottest porn models the world has produced lately, all of these girls have a wide range of sex scenes behind them and sexual experience that makes them most desirable fucks all around the world! Theyve tried out every kink, and they discovered that long hard cock cant be beaten by anything else, and that the thrill of being filmed while having hot and dirty sex gets them especially horny, so enjoy the show with them!
I already mentioned that this site is all about porn models. Well, I wasnt joking, here you can get your hands on hottest and the nastiest chick in the last decade, all naked and all eager to show what they have.
Hunter Bryce, Emily Parker, Krissy Linn and many other have showed up here and revealed every inch of their clothes to us. There are plenty of picture and video updates here, more then enough to keep you occupied for quite some time, but one thing that I noticed right away that the last update is from several months ago.
While the update pace for this site never was too thrilling, it seems like they are no some sort of hiatus at the moment, but Im sure theyll be back to entertain us with new scenes featuring big names in the world of porn.
Navigating Dirty Sluts and Studs is pretty easy, the interface is intuitive and lets you go to where you want with just a few clicks. You can browse only video or only picture updates from the main navigation screen, you can hop from one network site to another using a drop down menu and there are not many adds on the site, its pretty clan as far as that aspect is concerned.
While most of the scenes have both picture and video section, there are some that are only pictures and some that are only videos, and to make things even messier, it seems that there is no schedule to let us know when it will be a picture update and when a video one. This makes archive messy and is really annoying if you see an update youd love to check out only to see its pictures only.
Pictures themselves are about average in quality, even with site advertising full HD content, thats not really the case, not with the quality Im used to seeing last year or so, they are behind a bit, but it is still quality enough to keep people coming, for the hot porn models if not for high picture quality. They do offer zipped picture archives as well as slide show online, and the average picture gallery size is about 150-200 pictures.
Video section also has its ups and downs, the ups being that theres plenty of content and that these babes are super hot, down side being that the online flash player doesnt let you navigate through the scene until its fully streamed. There are several download formats available, ranging from regular mpg to mp4 for ipods if you love your porn to be handheld ready. Movies are about half an hour long, and rarely go over 400MB in size, average quality, of course.
While the scenes here feature some really hot chicks, the fact that they are usually in average quality and that the site seems to have stopped updating are kind of a turn down for me. There is always hope that they will keep updating Dirty sluts and Studs, but its been about six months with no new content at all, and Im beginning to feel neglected here. The price is pretty good, in range with the quality of the site, and to make deal sweeter, with one account you get full access to six sites!