My Wife is a Bitch
My Wife is a Bitch 4579 My Wife is a Bitch My Wife Is a Bitch claims to be a user submitted, amateur porn site featuring pictures and videos of real-life wives doing nasty things on camera.
Trial price $ 1.00
Monthly price $ 39.87
Our total rating: 0/10001

My Wife is a Bitch

Reviewed 2011-12-09 l Last update on

My Wife is a Bitch

Short Review

My Wife Is a Bitch claims to be a user submitted, amateur porn site featuring pictures and videos of real-life wives doing nasty things on camera. In reality, it's more of a mishmash of non-exclusive, amateur style content that seems to come from a very wide variety of sources. Want to know more? Let's get inside the members' area and get the full scoop.

0/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

My Wife Is a Bitch is part of a small network of amateur themed sites which all come together as a package deal. This site and the other two in the network, My Love GFs and My Emo GFs, are all found in a central members' area. Collectively, this network claims to be the largest collection of user submitted amateur smut on the net, but My Wife Is a Bitch currently offers a collection of only around 30 small photo galleries and 168 video clips. It looks like a couple of new video clips are added daily, but there are often large update gaps in the photo section.

The content here is absolutely nothing like I imagined based on the supposed id theme of the site. Much of what's here is obviously professionally produced porn and shot in studios or on location. If other clues don't give it away, the cameramen who move around and focus on specific parts of the scene certainly will. That being said, there certainly is some actual homemade porn available here. Unfortunately, the video clips are usually very short and often cut out in the middle of the action. At a certain point, I started to feel like these were free promo clips taken from other websites. This feeling was bolstered by the fact that a few of the clips have a watermark from a different company's website. I'm not sure what the companies' relationship is to each other, but it certainly didn't make me feel better about this already lackluster collection.

Aside from the fact that a lot of the content you'll find here doesn't really match the user submitted amateur theme of the site, the other major problem is the poor quality level of what is available here. These videos are available for streaming and download only in Flash, a format usually reserved for only for streaming due to its typically lower quality level. For the majority of the flicks I viewed and downloaded here, the quality can only be accurately described as terrible. Sometimes they are so pixelated and/or grainy that it can be hard to even see the amateurs going at it. When it comes to quality, the small photo section doesn't fare any better. The galleries here typically contain a mixed bag of images of different girls in different stages of undress and naughtiness. Some of the pictures are obviously poor quality screen caps, and some of them are extremely distorted and contort the performers faces and bodies to impossible proportions.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

My Wife Is a Bitch has a mostly black, single page tour. The materials previewed on the tour look far nicer than the average photo and video sets I found once inside, and they seem to have selected scenes that more accurately fit the intended amateur, user submitted theme of the site. The tour does a good job of making this collection seem a lot more appealing than it actually is once you are inside.

The members' area here is extremely basic and plain with virtually no advanced features. The only search tool is a basic keyword search box, and I got virtually no results at all when searching for common terms. This is probably because there are no scene descriptions or other info for any of the content here. You can sort the video and photo releases by date or in alphabetical order, but sorting in alphabetical order doesn't make much sense because they all have generic names like "set 0093."

Each video and photo set is represented by a single small thumbnail image on the listing pages. Below the thumbnail, you'll see the dates the update was added to the site as well as links to download and stream the video or view the photo gallery. Both the downloadable and streaming version of the flicks here is available in Flash format only. The photo sets can be viewed in basic thumbnail galleries or downloaded in ZIP files in your choice of three different size images.



Members Area Screenshots


My Wife Is a Bitch just didn't deliver what I was expecting. Somewhat lower quality is to be expected on amateur themed sites, particularly those billed as being user submitted. Unfortunately, things here are far, far below average in terms of quality even when compared to user submitted materials elsewhere. The fact that much of this is commercial porn in the first place only increased my disappointment with the site. In the end, I can't really recommend My Wife Is a Bitch.

Pros & Cons

  • + Daily vid updates
  • - Quality is very bad
  • - Doesn't really fit theme
  • - Only FLV format vids for download
  • - Search/navigation could use work
  • - Some vids w/ watermarks from other sites
  • - Expensive