My Panties Are Wet
My Panties Are Wet 115 My Panties Are Wet Isn't it strange that when a little girl shouts out that her panties are wet people run away from her screaming she wet herself.
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Our total rating: 0/10001

My Panties Are Wet

Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on

My Panties Are Wet

Short Review

Isn't it strange that when a little girl shouts out that her panties are wet people run away from her screaming she wet herself!, but when a full grown women were to say this all the men start gathering around giving her their undivided attention. At first I wasn't sure whether the girls on this site have wet panties because they wet themselves or if they're wet from being overly horny, there's really only one way to find out, take a big old sniff!

0/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

Don't worry the girls on this site haven't peed their pants, they're just oozing with juice cause they're horny as hell, that's why their panties are wet. There's a wide selection of different types of girls starring in the videos available on this site ranging from blondes, brunettes, Asians, redheads and girls aged 18 or 19. All of the scenes are of the girls going at it hard solo style while fantasizing about their wet panties, so the only kind of penetration you'll be seeing on this site is of the girls fingers sliding in and out of their tight wet pussies, as there aren't any studs to be found in any of the scenes. Personally this type of porn is my favorite watching a girl getting herself off is much more arousing than seeing some random guy fucking her brains out and I'm sure a lot of guys will agree with me here.

It's pretty safe to say that the content on this site leans towards the softcore category, as there isn't any penetration involved in any of the videos, but don't let that throw you off cause even though these videos are fairly softcore, they're still very hot to watch and will make you horny as hell, especially with ladies that look like this. Currently there are 52 videos up for download, which are all available in wmv format, the scenes run for about 15 to 20 minutes and are only available to download in full scenes, having the option of downloading the scenes in chapters would have been nice for customers that are still on dial up, but I suppose that the scenes don't go for long enough to even bother with this process. The quality of the videos really isn't the best as a lot of them look grainy even through a small screen, but what really got to me was the jumpy frame rate. They aren't the worst I've seen but they certainly aren't the best they're still quite viewable though.

Aside from the 52 featured videos there's an extra 412 scenes worth of bonus content which consists of random hardcore scenes, which kind of sucks for the members who only wanted Wet Panty scenes, but I'm sure even they will enjoy the bonus vids cause the quality of these scenes look to be a lot better than what is on offer with their featured videos. You'll be glad to know that the quality of these videos are great, the images are nice and crisp and motion is fluid, which is the total opposite of the featured videos and seeing as there are 412 of them to go through members will probably find themselves spending most of their time viewing these videos over the featured ones.

You'll be glad to know that even though the featured videos aren't the best of quality the pictures on the other hand are beautiful, each of the scenes come with a picture set that consists of high quality photos which would have been taken around the same time they shot the video footage of the scene. These photos are big and crystal clear with great lighting and colors that are just right, these pictures are simply too good to pass up and is probably the highlight of their featured content, especially for members who love viewing photos.

There's definitely no shortage of content on this site, however the featured videos are a little iffy, don't get me wrong they're still very viewable but you can't help but feel like they could have done better with the quality. I'd have to say that the pictures on this site is what really caught my attention, they're definitely worth a look at.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

Every time I've had to review a site from the Super Site Pass network it seems like I say the same thing over and over again, fix up the presentation of the site guys cause it's not very appealing! sorry I had to say that, but if you were to see the actual site after going through their gorgeous tour page, you'll know exactly what I mean, the same goes for the layout as well, cause it looks like they haven't used the space they had to work with to it's full potential cause the right hand side of all the sections on this site is completely blank which makes it look ugly. Some people are in the mind frame of not caring what the actual site looks like, but it's the content that the site offers that counts and well that's fair enough but being a paid site you kind of expect it to look a little better than what it currently is.

Alright that's pretty much all of the bad news out of the way so lets get on with the rest of the review. Finding your way around this site is quite simple, all the different sections of the site can be accessed via the navigational menu bar which can be found on the top left corner of every page on this site, making the task of back tracking quick and simple. The drop down menus you'll notice at the very top of the site provide links to the various sites on their network which members gain full access to on sign up. All of the updated concerning the network as a whole can be found on the home page, on this page you'll come across thumbnail links to their last 7 uploaded videos and thumbnails for the next 7 videos they intend on uploading in the near future.

All of the featured videos are obviously in the featured videos section, this section comprises of thumbnail links to the various scenes and picture galleries. Clicking on a thumbnail will automatically take you to a new page in which the video will start streaming on, the download link for the video file can also be found on this page. The bonus videos section has basically the same layout as this page, the only difference is that there are no picture gallery links as the bonus scenes don't come with picture sets and that the thumbnails which represent the scenes are a lot smaller.

Well at least the mechanics of this site is spot on otherwise this section of the review would have really stunk, navigating this site is pretty self explanatory and straight forward, so you won't find yourself scratching your head in a state of confusement.



Members Area Screenshots


To be brutally honest I was a little disappointed with the quality of their featured videos, sure there may be a decent amount of them but they could have done better with the quality, it's a good thing that there are all those bonus vids to go through, not to mention the high quality picture content on offer, so there's a little bit of good and bad when it comes to their content, other than that they need to work on the presentation of the site.

Pros & Cons

  • + Tonnes of Bonus vids
  • + Picture content is superb
  • + Decent amount of featured vids
  • - General presentation of the site
  • - Some featured vids are of crap quality