Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on 2020-10-19
Hard N Dirty is a fairly new high definition site featuring some of the highest quality porn videos currently available on the net today. The girls are hot, the action is hardcore and though there are only a handful of high def videos on this particular site, the updates are frequent and theres enough bonus material and bonus sites to make this a worthy package deal.
As internet connections get faster and hard drives get bigger, large video files get faster and easier to download. Hard N Dirty is keeping up with technology and providing us with some great hd hardcore porn presented in big crisp, clean high def video files so you dont miss any important details.
With a membership to Hard N Dirty, you get access to 7 fully exclusive scenes. The action is just what you would expect from the name; straight up hard core sucking and fucking action with no weirdness or gimmicks. All of the scenes are shot with high definition cameras with hot models and expensive backdrops. The girls and guys are all white but there is still a good variety of looks, hair colors and ages for a bit of variety.
In addition to the exclusive high def videos, you also get an additional 100+ 30 minute hardcore videos. These arent as good as the exclusive stuff but theres a lot of good material here and its all in decent quality.
Each of the exclusive scenes comes in low (300kbps), medium (700kbps), high (1500kbps) and last but definitely not least; high def (1280x850 @ 4200kbps!). Each of the lower quality formats look decent, but if you have the bandwidth and a bit of time the high def versions are well worth the wait as they look amazing and are big enough for your huge widescreen TV. You can stream the videos directly from the site as well, in all of the same quality options.
The scenes also come with a gallery of high quality still images containing around 200-300 images each. They all look pretty good and are a great supplement to the videos. They have no watermarks and are huge (1280x720). Unfortunately, no zip files are currently available.
In addition to the high def videos, non high def videos and photos, you get access to 8 exclusive high def sites on the network. You get: Two Hole Crammers, Chicks Love Chicks, Feet Pumpers, Sweet Fresh Tails, Sizzling Sirens, Meat Melons, Spicy Matures and Dames with Dicks. Theres a bit of variety amongst the sites and they each have around 6-8 high def videos each so far.
The front page at Hard N Dirty is really nice compared to most porn sites. It tells you a bit about the members area and gives you a few free images and trailer videos. The members area is easy to find and logging in is quick and painless.
The inside of the members area is quite nice looking as well. Right on the front page you see all of the sites videos sorted by date, links to each of the sites on the network and the 100+ bonus videos at the bottom. A navigational menu at the top links you to and from Home, Bonus Sites, Bonus Feeds, Bonus Movies, Premium Live Chat, Find a Sex Friend, Troubleshooting, Contact and Logout. My only problem with this page is that it is so long and full of pictures and sometimes slows my computer down a bit.
The main exclusive scenes are all found on the front page with preview images and two links (play movie and see pictures) that take you to the same place. On this page you get links directly to each quality of video, both streaming and downloadable. Left click to watch the streamable versions and right click and select save as to download the videos to your computer.
Each image gallery is found right on the same page as the video links at the bottom. You see each of the scaled down images and clicking them will open up the full versions in a new window.
The other sites on the network that you have access to all work in the exact same way. They are all beautiful looking sites that are easy to navigate, although they could stand to be a bit smaller.
If youre tired of blocky, low quality porn, Hard N Dirty has what you need. You get over 50 full length high definition videos over the whole network and theyre some of the highest quality videos Ive seen. Updates are coming frequent to these semi-new sites and theres a lot of bonus material as well.