Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on 2020-09-26
Lesbian step sisters, Shit that almost sounds illegal, this site shows you what happens when step sisters are bored with cock, they start turning on each other to quench their lust for sex and with ladies that look as good as these who could blame them, if I were a girl I could easily see myself becoming a lesbian and not just any old lesbian but a really dirty slutty one!
I've been really lucky today, I've had to review 3 lesbian sites in a row and that very rarely happens, anyway Lesbian step sisters promises to bring you the horniest step sisters who aren't afraid to play dirty with each other. Whether or not the girls are actual step sisters or not is yet to be proven but I suppose we can always take their word for it. Seeing that they only have 10 episodes made me think that the girls might actually be step sisters, because finding content like this would be really hard to come across and finding step sisters that are willing to play with each other would be even harder to come across. Therefore they only had a few scenes to work with in the first place, so I suppose they could be actual step sisters.
The starring ladies in their scenes are all very attractive and there's a good variety here to choose from, the lesbian couple which really caught my eye was an ebony hottie teamed up with a sexy Asian babe, now that is one exotic combination. The scenes kind of lean towards the softcore niche as most of the scenes involve rubbing, licking and a tiny bit of fingering, I suppose it's kind of hardcore when it comes to lesbian standards but as far as general porn standards go there are a lot more hardcore things out there other than lesbian scenes.
Most of the videos are of fairly standard quality but there were a few scenes that I viewed which had some really shocking camera work cause there were times when it's blatantly obvious that the camera is shaking, but I'm glad to say that the bulk of their videos aren't like this and the issue can be easily shrugged off. I wouldn't really recommend viewing the videos through a full screen cause this tends to make them look quite grainy, watching them through a smaller screen however isn't too bad. I just hope that they spend a little more time on the quality of their videos for their future updates. I was almost certain that the videos on this site were going to be good as their are only 10 scenes to view and usually when the quantity isn't there quality runs supreme, sadly this isn't the case for this site.
It's a damn good thing that the site developers knew that 10 scenes isn't going to last and decided to include an extra 412 scenes worth of bonus content to keep members happy till they find some more lesbian step sister content, which I could imagine being a pretty hard task, cause there can't be that many step sisters out there that are willing to play with each other in front of the camera. Quality of the bonus content is great, far better than the featured videos, members will probably find themselves spending more time viewing the bonus vids rather than the featured ones, in fact I'm positive they will cause there is just so much more bonus content.
All of the featured videos come with picture sets, these sets include some of the best pictures I've seen in awhile. I'm guessing that these photos were taken around the same time they shot the video and they would have had to use top of the line cameras in order to get the best quality pictures they can. Which is pretty much what they ended up with, all the pictures are nice and clear with not a hint of blur or distortion to be found. Dimensions of the photos differ through out the different shoots but they're all generally quite large, check these out if you love viewing your picture content and even if you don't like picture content check them out anyway cause they are very good.
I was a little underwhelmed with the general presentation of this website, especially after going through their eye catching tour page I was sure I'd be in for an eye candy treat, but once I arrived at the home page I was sourly greeted by a dull looking website, to some people this may not matter but if I were a paying member I'd certainly expect it to look a little more appealing than what it currently is. Navigating your way around the different sections of the site is as easy as utilizing navigation menu bar which you'll notice on the far left side of the page.
Updates concerning the network as a whole have been posted on the home page, on the home page you'll come across the thumbnail links to the last 7 videos that were uploaded to the network and thumbnails for the next 7 upcoming videos they intend on uploading in the near future, there's information on the home page stating that they upload new videos to the network every Friday at noon. I didn't come across any information regarding updates for this site in particular.
All of the lesbian step sister videos can be accessed from the featured videos section, this section mainly consists of large thumbnail links which allow you to stream the various video files, the thumbnails I mentioned earlier are video captures from the video file, obviously they should give you a rough idea on what you could expect to see in the scene, you can also usually tell what the quality of the video is simply by viewing these thumbnails, usually if a thumbnail is dark and grainy, the video file of that scene will be the same. Links to the episode picture galleries are situated underneath the thumbnails I was talking about earlier, clicking on this link will take you to the picture gallery where you can enjoy viewing the numerous high quality photos.
The bonus videos section is pretty much identical to the featured videos section, the only difference is that instead of having one large thumbnail to represent a scene, there are several smaller thumbnails and the picture gallery link has been taken away as well as none of the bonus videos have picture sets. Thats pretty much all I can say about the features and navigation of this site, the only main flaw was the general presentation of the site, other than that everything works just fine.
Quite a strange niche if I do say so myself and I could imagine it to be very hard to get your hands on this type of content which is probably the reason why they only have a few featured videos, the picture content on this site is definitely worth a look at and there are loads of bonus content to go through, they really need to work on the presentation of the site however cause it's looking a little dull at the moment, but other than that it's a fairly good site, needs more content though.