Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on 2020-09-26
No more boys I like the sound of that, oh wait, ok maybe not, well I suppose it's always good to watch, lesbians are like the ultimate tease they look good, they feel good but they'd be damned if they had sex with a male. So yes they are good to look at, but don't you dare touch them cause you just don't know what these crazy lesbian chicks will do, if your sick of standard one on one lesbian scenes then you'll want to check this site out cause the scenes on this site are a little more extreme!
Wow I've had the pleasure of reviewing a lot of lesbian sites this week and that's a good thing cause I just can't get enough of these horny lesbians. As far as lesbian porn goes the scenes on this site are pretty hardcore, you got threesomes, strap on dildo scenes, interracial lesbians and jacuzzi scenes, so if you were thinking that the scenes on this site are your average everyday one on one lesbian scenes your wrong cause members are provided with steamier more extreme lesbian footage that'll put standard lesbian scenes to shame.
The developers made a wise decision on choosing to include lesbian scenes that are a little more hardcore than usual, cause lets face it the lesbian market is very over crowded and for a lesbian site to stand out in the huge crowd, it'll have to have something different and unique that the other lesbian sites don't offer, otherwise it's just going to going to drown in the endless sea of lesbian sites. Anyway like I said before the videos on this site are pretty hardcore by lesbian standards, there's a wide variety of different girls to choose from but I didn't spot any Asian or ebony ladies in the mix, lets hope they keep this in mind for their updates.
All the video files on this site are in wmv format and are available in high or low resolutions, each scene has been divided into 4 equally sized chapters in order to keep the file sizes down for customers that are still on dial up. The quality of the videos seem to differ through out the different scenes, but from what I've viewed they are actually really good, watching the videos through a small screen they look excellent and even if you were to blow the screen up to full size they still look great, they really did pass my expectations, which hardly ever happens. All up there are 32 scenes for members to enjoy, not to mention that there are a further 412 bonus vids to go through once your well and done with the featured content, the only bad news about the bonus vids is they are pretty random and most of them seem to be straight one on one hardcore scenes, with only a few lesbian scenes to be found. The quality of the bonus videos is pretty much on par with the featured ones, in other words they're great and they definitely stretch the value of the membership.
Not only do they have great video content but the picture content on this site is just as good, there are currently over 700 image galleries full of high quality still photos. The bulk of these galleries are of solo girls using toys and what not, the dimensions vary through out the different photos but they're all generally quite big and the quality of these photos are just superb, they're all nice and clear, with decent color and lighting, they really are a treat for the eyes and it's a nice change from all those sites I had to review which resorted to crap quality video captures.
This site does wonders content wise cause there was absolutely nothing I could find to complain about nothing! There's a good amount of content to keep members busy for a long period and the quality through out all their media is just great I give the content side of this site a standing ovation.
Yet another Super Site Pass that has let me down presentation wise, sure the color scheme of the site is nice and bright but it looks very plain at the moment, the main gripe I had was the layout of the site, as it looks like they haven't used the space they had to work with to it's full extent, as everything is focused towards the middle of the page, giving the site a cluttered feel and the huge blank spaces on the left and right sides of the page look ugly and make it even more evident that they haven't used the space they're working with to it's full potential.
Now that's all out of the way the rest of the review will be a little more pleasing cause although the general presentation and layout of the site may not look the best, the mechanics behind it all work perfectly fine. Traversing around the different sections of the site is as simple as utilizing the navigation menu bar which can be found towards the top of every section on this site which makes back tracking a lot more easier and quicker. The drop down menus at the very top of the page provide links to the various other sites on this network which members acquire full access to on sign up making transitions between the many sites nice and quick.
On the home page you'll find thumbnail links to the last 8 featured videos that were uploaded on this site, the rest of the home page consists of top ranking lists for their bonus sites, image galleries and bonus videos. At the very bottom of the home page are 4 links which direct you to other adult orientated sites, these sites don't include porn however, instead they provide tips and information on how to improve your personal sex life.
All of the Lesbian videos are situated in the featured videos section, this section has 7 pages to it 6 of them include 5 videos while the last page has 2. Each of the videos have their own section which takes up a small portion of the page it's situated on, in this section you'll come across a short description of the scene, the download links for both the high and low res videos and 4 thumbnails, these thumbnails are video captures of the scene so they should give you a rough idea on what the scene looks like, you can also usually tell what the quality of the video is like simply by viewing these thumbnails, clicking on thumbnail will automatically open up a new window in which the video will stream in. Well I'm about to run out of room to write on so I'll finish the review off by saying the site works well.
Content wise this site does great, there's heaps of high quality featured and bonus vids to go through and the picture content on this site is just as good I'd have to say that the content on this site really exceeded my expectations, the cosmetic side of the site could do with a little touch up but other than that it works fine, so if you like your lesbian content to be a little more kinkier than usual check this site out now!