Private Members Area
Private Members Area 4817 Private Members Area Private Members Area is a portal site that links together all of the extreme girls you can see in the Wild West Cash porn network as well as ton of the bonus content.
Trial price $ 0
Monthly price $ 0.00
Our total rating: 0/10001

Private Members Area

Reviewed 2011-03-05 l Last update on

Private Members Area

Short Review

Private Members Area is a portal site that links together all of the extreme girls you can see in the Wild West Cash porn network as well as ton of the bonus content. The portal gives you access to 10 hot single model sites, with most of them trying out a specific porn niche, some enjoying group sex only, some doing all kinds of hardcore fetishes and some just acting solo for the camera in their bedrooms. The site offers quick and easy access to all of that content. all links and notifications

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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

Because this is a portal site, not a specific porn site, content here is pretty varied. No matter what are you into - sloppy blowjobs, porn bloopers, behind the scenes shows or hot single models that do all kinds of nasty things, this is the site that will show you plenty of hardcore fun. With number of scenes that is well over 700 in the network content area, there is plenty of content to keep you occupied, but there's even more, on the third party sites you get access to when you join Private Members Area.

Those were the good things, now for something that's a bit less impressive. The fact is, good portion of these sites have been inactive for a year or more, with the most extreme example of this being inactive for over three years now. That's not something a good porn network should allow itself. The quality is also barely average on most sites, in fact, third party content is often better then what you will see on these extreme sites. Something really should be done about that, or this network will lose it's members.

The price is also an aspect that I'm not too thrilled about, for $10 per month we really should be getting more in the terms of active updating sites and in the terms of the quality of the scenes we get to enjoy, the stuff here just doesn't look too impressive, especially considering other sites in similar price range.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

Navigation options are few, and the whole process of hopping around is pretty easy, even if you are not too skilled in navigating the internet, there's very little chance you will get lost here. From the moment you log in you will find yourself facing the basic portal interface, it allows you to hop to any of the network sites with only one click of the mouse, and it opens up those sites in a new tab, so you can always come back to the portal site if you want to.

The design of the porn sites themselves is pretty plain, too plain in fact. Other then the list of scenes and the links to their picture and video archives, there's very little else to keep a member occupied, there are not even basic search tools to ease the navigation around. The sites look like they are a decade old, plain old sites made by people who never bothered to learn how to make a site look attractive.

Picture content on the site is pretty average as far as quality goes, the pictures are mostly in 600x900 resolutions, although you can see lower res pictures if you go deep in the archives in the oldest sites. There are no advanced picture options, no slide show viewers, no zipped archives ready to be downloaded - you can check them online and that's about it.

Video quality is also a bit disappointing, in the age where HD porn is getting more and more popular we're getting standard DivX content. The videos can't even be streamed on most sites, you have to download, and there's usually only one file type available, with two quality settings if you are lucky. The files come as is, there are no options for partial downloads in the form of smaller files or anything like that - you want it, you download it whole.



Members Area Screenshots


I usually go easy on the portal sites on the account of all of the content you get when you join them, but this portal porn site has just too many inactive sites listed, and the overall quality of the sites in the network is pretty low, so I say look for another site in this price range and you will get far better service. Still, the content is exclusive, and they have some pretty hot models, so if you want to see them in action, grab a month or two of membership!

Pros & Cons

  • + Some exclusive content
  • + Plenty of scenes
  • + Hot models
  • + Lot of fetishes covered
  • - Poor design
  • - Too many network sites are on hiatus
  • - Low picture and video quality
  • - No search tool