Global Pornstars
Global Pornstars 546 Global Pornstars You'll find the best photos and videos of all your favorite stars, inside. Their unmatched collection is growing every week and you'll have unlimited access to all the girls.
Trial price $ 0
Monthly price $ 0.00
Our total rating: 0/10001

Global Pornstars

Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on

Global Pornstars

Short Review

You'll find the best photos and videos of all your favorite stars, inside. Their unmatched collection is growing every week and you'll have unlimited access to all the girls. No site I have reviewed is this complete, featuring only the highest quality content and an absolute ton of it. If the girl your after is in porn she'll be inside the members area of

I recommend you try out the 5 day trial membership thats on offer to see if you like and it then go from there.

0/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15 is the place you go if you want to see all the best porn stars in one place. This website would have to have one of the biggest pornstar collections I have ever seen and it keeps growing each and every week with more and more videos and image galleries.

At this current stage there's a little over 100 pornstar girls listed on this site, but by the time you get to read this there will be tons more inside the members area. As I said before I recommend that you, at least, try the 5 day trial membership on the site and have a look for yourself. I will tell you now that you will not be disappointed with the content you will find inside.

Each girl on the site has her own little page. You will find the Video of them and also an image gallery with all the top shots. The videos can be viewed in two different ways. You can either stream the video inside your browser or your can download the video to your own computer where you can keep it forever.

Most of the videos that have been chosen for you to view are some of the pornstars best clips. All clips are near dvd quality and looked great when I played them back on a 24" LCD monitor. I would have liked to have seen a couple of movies per pornstar but I guess I will have to wait until they do some more updates.

There are 10 videos per page and there are currently 10 pages of videos. So thats 100 videos and 100 image galleries to choose from. This is a very nice start to a massive pornstar collection. I am going to come back and review this site in a couple of months to see how much it has grown in that time.

The site also offers some of the best bonus content I have ever seen. I don't wanna tell you to much about it because I would rather you find it out for yourself. I will let you in on one little secret though. You will get access to over 10 extra adult paysites free of charge.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

The navigation is pretty much straight forward, you will not have one issue when trying to view the videos or images on the site.

This site doesn't really have a navigation bar as such, So you will just have to keep an eye out for the things you're looking for. Most of the stuff you will ever need will be on the main page, but you will also find a great deal of extra content links, on the very bottom of the website. Take a nice close look at these websites and check them all out as they are all free of charge.

Most of the links will open in a new window but you will get some that will open in the same window that you are currently using. I always tend to right click the link and open in new window, but thats up to you.



Members Area Screenshots


This is a really good idea for a website. These guys have found something really good to work on and I think this site will become massive very soon. Its good to see someone that is willing to put in the time to build a pornstar webpage with all the stars that have brought us many happy times over the course of our lives.

There's a litte over 100 stars already inside the members area, and as I said before, I will come back in a couple of months and check it again.

Pros & Cons

  • + Nice idea for a site
  • + 100+ Videos
  • + nice design
  • + Easy to Navigate