Pornstar Tryouts
Pornstar Tryouts 3237 Pornstar Tryouts Pornstar Tryouts puts a twist on the typical casting couch style porn concept by painting the pornstar wannabes as duped mainstream models.
Trial price $ 4.99
Monthly price $ 24.95
Our total rating: 0/10001

Pornstar Tryouts

Reviewed 2009-06-23 l Last update on

Pornstar Tryouts

Short Review

Pornstar Tryouts puts a twist on the typical casting couch style porn concept by painting the pornstar wannabes as duped mainstream models. They see an ad for a modeling gate, come in for an interview, get talked into posing nude, and before they know it they're fucking on film! Some gals will do just about anything to become famous, and the model hopefuls here at Pornstar Tryouts really take that to an extreme! Membership to the site includes bonus access to a huge collection of DVD scenes and

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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

Pornstar Tryouts is, I suppose, a "reality" site but that term seems pretty loose these days and sometimes it seems that the reality sites are even more fake than the non-reality sites. In any case, the scenes are presented essentially like reality scenes even though there are quite a few recognizable faces including Micah Moore, Leah Luv, Bree Olson, and even Brittney Skye who is inexplicably listed as "Stephanie". To be fair, there were several cuties that I really didn't recognize so there are some scenarios that seem at least a little more believable than others.

The Pornstar Tryouts scenes span three days of action. The first day is really just an interview and is quite short, but by the second day they have the girls getting naked and posing and sometimes even masturbating. By day three, the models have completed their transformation into perverted porn babes! I remember visiting the site a few years ago, and back then each day's footage was offered on its own. Now, all three days are combined into a single file.

The Pornstar Tryouts collection is pretty small. There are just 23 video/photo combo scenes and as far as I can tell updates haven't happened in literally years. There are over 150 photos and around 30 to 40 minutes of video footage for each of the 23 Pornstar Tryouts models. Luckily, there are over 20,000 additional DVD scenes available with the bonus package.

I'm pretty sure the scenes here are at least five or six years old, and there is some variation in the quality in the form of lighting and color balance issues in some of the flicks. The photos are about average in terms of quality and a bit smaller than I generally see these days at 800 pixels on the long side.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

Something about the mostly yellow and purple design of the tour pages here at Pornstar Tryouts make this site look a bit dated, and it indeed has been around for around five years or so. Quite a few of the scenes are previewed here with images and text, but the tour would definitely benefit from some streaming video trailers and concrete information about the size of the Pornstar Tryouts collection.

The Pornstar Tryouts content and bonus scenes are all available from within one very large and expansive members area. When you login to the site, you can click on the "featured series" button on the menu to navigate directly to the Pornstars Tryouts collection. You can find the bonus materials and the various sections on the sidebar menu on the left-hand side of the site. You can narrow the bonus materials by niche, site, or DVD title and there is an easy-to-use model index as well. Although the members area is very crowded looking and appears at first glance to offer a large number of the navigation and search options, I actually found the interface a bit clunky and site could really use a keyword search and other tools to help tame this massive collection of smut.

While viewing a list of scenes, whether from a model search or clicking on a niche, site, or series, you'll see plenty of information on the listing page. Helpful info like running time, model names, and a text preview is provided so it's easy to figure out what you want to download.

The photos that are not available in all Zip file downloads, and I would like to see the site switch away from the current method of displaying the full-sized images when you click on a thumbnail. It opens in a pop-up box that sort of hovers above the current browser window and makes it hard to see the whole picture at once. The videos fare a bit better when it comes to viewing options. For downloadable video files, you can choose between WMV, AVI, and MP4 formats. Those who prefer streaming have only a single option, Flash format. I generally have good luck with the Flash format streaming videos on this network, but on this particular visit I had trouble getting the videos to play without stopping every 3 to 5 seconds to buffer. Obviously, the speed issue isn't always evident but it does go to show that there is some noticeable network speed variation.



Members Area Screenshots


Pornstar Tryouts offers some OK exclusive reality style videos and photos, but considering its size and lack of growth it's really only the inclusion of the massive bonus package it even makes it possible for me to consider recommending this site. It doesn't really work for me as an amateur collection, but it also can't stack up as a pornstar site. Overall, it's best to view this one as a small part of a huge package rather than anything you would join on its own.

Pros & Cons

  • + Exclusive reality scenes
  • + Huge bonus package
  • + A few nice video options
  • - Needs better search tools
  • - Main collection is small
  • - No Pornstar Tryouts updates
  • - Limited access trial