Hardcore 18 To 19 Sex
Hardcore 18 To 19 Sex 428 Hardcore 18 To 19 Sex Hardcore 18-19 Sex has been on the search to bring you the hottest little sluts they could find, to fuck them till they scream, they have well over 100 hot models all which star in some of the steamie
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Our total rating: 0/10001

Hardcore 18 To 19 Sex

Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on

Hardcore 18 To 19 Sex

Short Review

Hardcore 18-19 Sex has been on the search to bring you the hottest little sluts they could find, to fuck them till they scream, they have well over 100 hot models all which star in some of the steamiest hardcore scenes you'll ever come across. So if you have a weak spot for fresh faced barely legal babes, then this is the site you've been looking for.

0/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

Content featuring 18-19 year old girls has always been the kind of content that everyone can enjoy, probably because no one can resist these cute, barely legal girls which remind people of their days back in college hitting on those curious yet very horny young sluts and when it comes to girls like these we always know that they'll have ever so tight and fresh pussies.

All the models which star on this site are so cute you could eat them for breakfast and there's no shortage of flavors to choose from as, they've included brunettes, blondes, redheads and latinas, it would have been nice if they included some ebony and asian girls. lets hope the dev team keep this in mind when it comes to their updates.

Currently there are 17 featured episodes available to stream, each episode has been split into short chapters in order to keep the file sizes as small as possible, making the process of streaming a little more convenient for members still on dial up, also this way around members can choose to skip the foreplay sections and dive straight into the hardcore fucking if they so wish.

To make streaming even more convenient, the dev team have provided three different versions of each episode, being high, medium and low, these obviously indicate the quality of the video. The higher quality vids are obviously going to be the largest in file size and best in quality, these videos are more suited towards faster connections, while the lower quality vids are really only there for members with slow connections.

The quality of their videos are pretty consistent and I must say that I was quite impressed with the quality of most of their videos. For the most part the image on screen is crisp and motion is fluid, though you will come across a few episodes that look a little blurry if you were to watch them through a large screen, especially with the lower quality videos. The only way to get the lower quality videos to look some what decent, is to wack them through a small screen, so you have to sacrifice size for quality as you can't have both.

Now the only thing I could bag their featured content about, is the fact that none of it can be downloaded, surely the dev team know how important this is going to be for their members as we all want to be able to download our videos, cause having to re-stream a video every time you wish to watch it, is something I definitely don't want to deal with, I just want to download the video once and have it ready whenever I want to watch it again. They really need to fix this up as this is the only thing holding their content down.

Aside from the featured episodes on this site, members are allowed full access to the content on all of the other sites on this network. So far there are 27 of these sites to browse through, all of which have their designated niches. They've provided sites which fall under your favorite mainstream niches such as, Lesbians, Gangbangs and hardcore, to the more kinkier niches like smacking and squirting, these sites are always great when you need a break from all those hot young girls.

It looks as though the network updates very frequently as they state on their homepage that they update on a daily basis and knowing that new sites are constantly being developed, members will never have to worry about running out of porn to view, as there will always be something new to look forward to.

The content they have on offer is really quite impressive, but there's just one major obstacle they need to clear before their content is perfect and that's giving their members the ability to download their videos, if I were a member this issue would be huge to me and is enough to turn me away completely, I mean if I was paying a membership fee I'd expect to be able to download the videos. Anyway like I said they really need to address this issue as soon as possible.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

Now I've only ever said this a few times since I've been a reviewer but this site was a pleasure to browse, the layout is simple enough for anyone to use and the interface just screams of professionalism, it's sites like these that make my job a little more enjoyable and my hat goes down to the site designer for making such an accessible and user friendly site.

After you login through the front page you are taken to what looks like the main hub for their network of sites, so I guess you could treat it as your main homepage. The first thing you'll notice at the very top of the page, is the navigational menu. From this menu you can access a drop down menu with a list of links to their other sites, access their DVD archive, read up on the latest updates and contact customer support. This menu is present through out all the different sites and sections on this network, so the task of backtracking is quick and easy and traversing through all the different sites, is pretty much instantaneous, as they've eliminated the process of having to re-enter your login every time you enter one of their many sites.

At the very top of the homepage you'll come across a welcome message and a small thumbnail link to their newest site, which is currently Ethnic Squirting. Below you will find a scroll down panel which consists of information regarding their updates. To the right of this you will find a small section which includes their top rated and newest movies, each movie includes a link which will take you directly to the streaming section for one of the videos.

Scrolling further down the homepage you will come across the links to their collection of exclusive sites, each site is represented by a small thumbnail link which strongly portrays the designated niche of the site, short descriptions are also provided here so you can read up on what the site has to offer. Clicking on any one of the thumbnails mentioned earlier will take you to the site's content area, which is usually made up of numerous pages. Each page contains 5 episodes and each episode takes up a small portion of the page. Within this portion you will find the streaming link for the video, a rating system, a short description of the scene and 4 thumbnails, these thumbnails are video stills taken from the video file of the episode, so they should give you a good indication on what you can expect to see in the movie.

The development team have decided to reward their loyal members with various other sites that are exclusive to this very same company, members can access these sites only after they've been a member for 63 days. All up there are 26 of these sites to check out and like the sites on this network these sites cover a large amount of different niches. Also I should mention that I've had the pleasure of reviewing most of the sites on this network and they're just as great as the sites found on this network.

It's good to see that they're looking out for their customers and bonuses like this that really boosts the memberships value. Now it should be pretty obvious that this site really is worth a look at and the network it's on is just grand, you will agree with my statement that this site is a pleasure to browse, the only thing I have to criticize them on, is the fact that you can't download their movies, I really wish they would fix this up as this is the only factor letting down this otherwise brilliant site.



Members Area Screenshots


Well they've definitely got some good quality porn to check out, but the problem is that you can't download any of their videos, which will probably turn some of you away. Other than that though they've got a great site on a great network, which is just so easy to navigate, so if you can get your head around the fact that you can't download their vids than this site would be golden for you, but if your one of those guys that just has to download content then your best bet is to look elsewhere.

Pros & Cons

  • + Site is very easy to navigate
  • + Good quality porn
  • + Hot babes
  • + Access to multiple sites
  • - Their content isn't downloadable