Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on 2020-09-26
For a little bit of everything, with some gay Asian content too, this is a good place to start your adventure in gay porn. If youre a gay adult site virgin then this one will give you a good idea of the kinds of things that are out there to be enjoyed. You have loads of third party feeds that cover all kinds of genres, there are videos to stream and images to view plus links to other sites of interest.
If you judge the worth of a site by the exclusivity of its content then you will not like Asian Stud. What we have here is a collection of third party feeds and other non-exclusive content all gathered together and advertised as an Asian site. To give the tour its dues it doesnt actually say that this is exclusive or only Asian content; its what it doesnt tell you thats the important thing. So my point here is: if you are looking for an Asian porn site that specialises in only Asian porn, culture, lifestyle, dating and so on, then dont look here. But if you are interested to see some good quality Asian porn with lots of other genre content too, they youve come to the right place.
Let me explain in a little more detail. Starting with the home page we have a central frame where The best of Man Alert is featured. (Im not told exactly what that means so I cant explain it to you.) The first thing to come up is a list of updates and news as all the feed sites we are going to encounter get updated from time to time. If you want videos and pics like the ones you saw featured on the tour youre gunna have to do some hunting around. But that can be fun too! Clicking movies and video clips in the premium content area (which is where was still are - I know it sounds confusing but its actually easy in real life) you will then get a list of six feed sites.
Asian Elite has 20 short solo and action Asian clips. Ethnic Hunks has page after page of streaming clips available in various speeds and also features anyone who might happen to be ethnic. The other four feeds on this list are varied and may have some Asian guys in there but
The picture galleries are more impressive in terms of Asian content as there are 31 galleries, solos and action, featuring smooth and sexy Asian guys. Images clicked up to a decent 560 x 750 size and there were enough of them to keep me occupied for quite some time. Actually talking of numbers the site lists the following:
5000,000 pictures
40,113 video clips
1,150 movies
345 live guys
Not all of this is Asian content. Clicking over to the Bonus areas youll find 23 categories of bonus feed sites. Asian is one of them and there is just one bonus Asian feed listed here and thats the Asian Elite that we saw before. So doing a quick count Id say you have the 20 Asian Elite videos and then some in the Ethnic Hunks Actually forget that, I am not sifting through 40,000 video clips to count the Asian content. In the bonus picture area youll find nine genres including Asian and in this collection there is one link to Asian Photo Archive which promised 20 galleries but came up with 20 broken links.
I am in danger of going off on one here and getting frustrated and I am trying so hard not to. But I really dont like sites that have had very little thought put in to them. I have seen some excellent Asian sites in my travels, sites that even go so far as to link you into Asian dating sites, in fact the biggest one in Asia in some cases here at Asian Stud you have the promise of a dating experience/site and what you get directed to is Dudes Nude which isnt specifically Asian. Ditto the Video On Demand links you to a VOD site sure enough but a generic one. (I did count 64 Asian titles though). And as for the 345 live guys Ive no idea what happened to them.
There is a feedback page where you are asked a few questions and can send in your thoughts and comments, which is always good to see and there is also plenty of help if you have any problems with anything. With so many different feed sites in operation you may need a variety of different media players. Dont worry too much about that though as most of these feed sites know what they are doing and will provide you with links to the free software downloads if you need them. Similarly with all those different companies inputting into the one place there will be variations in quality, streaming speeds and so on so.
And as for navigation? Well its; actually not that hard. The home page gives you the premium content in that centre frame and thats where your content comes and goes. Around the edge are just the menu and adverts really. Its a simple enough design that does look a bit complicated at first but once you are used to it its fine.
In a nutshell you have a huge collection of varied genre, gay sex video feeds and non-exclusive galleries all in one place. A small proportion of it is Asian themed and there are some hot young Asian guys to be viewed. The majority of the content though is made up of everything else you could possibly think of. There were some technical problems and missing links but nothing too serious, the content was reasonable in quality and getting around the site wasnt hard.