Thuglicious 3798 Thuglicious Well, I've got no idea what's going on here! First of all, in the members area, there were no upload dates, no news or anything to tell me when something new was coming along.
Trial price $ 0
Monthly price $ 0.00
Our total rating: 0/10001


Reviewed 2010-01-15 l Last update on


Short Review

Well, I've got no idea what's going on here! First of all, in the members area, there were no upload dates, no news or anything to tell me when something new was coming along. Secondly I could not get any of the Flash streams to run or the downloaded WMV files to play. Then there was very little information about the guys. So I was really left with some very horny galleries of great looking ebony dudes and not very much else really.

0/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

The content here is arranged in a simple way. You have a top menu to take you to the videos, galleries and model index. The guys are also listed down the left hand side of the page to make it easy to jump to your favourite, when you know his name. But I struggled with the content no end.

First I tried a download in WMV format which came down the line nice and fast. But when I went to play it, I was told that the file type wasn't supported. There are links to the players you need at the bottom of the video pages, so you may need to install something different - though my installation should have been just right. So I tried a Flash stream, as you get a mid-sized player with each video on the index pages; but this kept saying that the file was not found. So I kind of had to give up on the videos, though they looked as if they were going to be good, and went to view the gallery content.

This is arranged in genres, or types if you like; with solos, couples, just cocks and other categories. Each area holds a different amount of images but all the ones I tried were a good, big size with a choice of resolutions and the images were very well taken and focused. These images are the saving grace of Thuglicious, a site that needs some urgent technical attention it also needs to add news about updates and many other basic things.

There is a model index but you only get the guys names and then links to whatever content he appears in. No stats, no details, no update dates, no contacts and well, nothing really apart from hot looking ebony guys. But you could find similar guys on other sites that not only have more content but which have details and info, and that have videos that play.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

And there's not a lot to tell you about extras or interactive functions as there aren't any. The pages are designed in a simple way and they open nice and fast. Images open individually one by one and can be saved, but there are no slideshows, no zip file downloads and no interactive options at all.

So, you basically have a home page that lists the most recent additions but when they were added is a mystery. Then you have a large menu to click on to take you to the videos, which are all spread across two pages and which come with three viewing choices. You have the galleries arranged in categories, and you have 32 guys/pics in the model index with links back to their vids and pics. And that's about it really.



Members Area Screenshots


I was left wondering what was going on. I don't think I've ever paid $24.95 for less really. What I ended up with were a collection of galleries, good though they were, and that's about it. The videos didn't play, I couldn't find a link to support apart from an email address, and there was no information about anything; updates, models, possible technical problems, news Sorry I cant be more positive about this site other than to say that the guys are really hot.

Pros & Cons

  • + Good quality galleries
  • + Great looking ebony models
  • - No update dates or news
  • - The videos didn't stream and downloads didn't play
  • - No easy FAQ, help or support
  • - Not a lot of content