Private Playground XXX
Private Playground XXX 8117 Private Playground XXX Orgies, cum-dump parties, real-life shagathons, and groups of guys getting together do download some sexual frustration in exclusive bareback scenes; that’s what you can expect from Private Playground
Discount price $ 14.95
Monthly price $ 19.95
Our total rating: 76/10001

Private Playground XXX

Reviewed 2025-01-27 l Last update on

Short Review

Orgies, cum-dump parties, real-life shagathons, and groups of guys getting together do download some sexual frustration in exclusive bareback scenes; that’s what you can expect from Private Playground XXX. The site started with a small group of guys filming their own orgies, and gained in popularity, adding more guys to the sex parties in a larger space. Now, you have over 191 videos to stream. The members’ area is simple, and the entry price is tantalisingly low.

  • Monthly: $14.95
76/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 5/5
  • Updates: 3/5
  • Originality: 9/10
  • Quality: 11/15
  • Speed: 11/15
  • Quantity: 13/15

The content at Private Playground XXX is exclusive, and it’s mainly made ‘as it happens.’ The idea was started by the guys behind Sketchy Sex and Face Down Ass Up, and it was a simple one: Get together a group of horny boys, say, about ten of them, and film them having a whatever-comes-naturally party. This made for such horny entertainment, other guys were eager to join in, and the filming moved from a smaller, intimate space, to what’s basically a warehouse of man whores. Loads of varied guys turn up, some wanting to be bound, gagged and fucked, others wanting to be tops, some wanting more regular orgy action, and all of them willing to show all and do all for the sake of having a good time.

Because the scenes are shot more or less as a free-for-all where anyone safely tested and up for it can come, there is a lot of variety among the guys. There’s a model index found at the bottom of the pages, and it shows us 48 guys with some very basic info. Presumably, these are the regulars or professionals who work the site. You will find white guys, black guys, younger, 18 + twinks, older jocks, and even older studs and daddies. Fit guys, Mr Average, some chubs, and more or less anyone who might attend a gay nightclub or backroom. Some of them are into a bit of kink – other than being in group sex parties – and so you find some leather guys too.

The action is as varied as the men, and it includes intimate duos, threesomes and smaller groups of guys, plus the wilder larger groups. While they are being filmed, others are in the background getting carnal, and sometimes, you're not sure where to look. The action can also be a little dark at times, thanks to the warehouse’s atmospheric lighting, but this usually only adds to the atmosphere, rather than distracting from it. Sometimes, these amateur porn makers have a theme night, such as the ‘Cum Dump Competition’, and sometimes, the videos are part of a series. In fact, the Series area of the site holds 37 of these, some of which are solos or duos in the more standard porn manner, while others carry titles such as ‘Boston D Party,’ or ‘Tag Team Fuck.’ Head to a series, and you find all related videos in one place, so it’s a kind of filter page too.

As for viewing the videos, many of them are parts of a longer session, but there are currently 191 parts/videos in total. These are streaming only, so there are no downloads, and you don't have a choice of streaming speed. The monitor is at 1100 x 618 and will enlarge to fit your screen. How good the playback visual quality is will depend on your connection, perhaps, but it looks like the filming is done in HD. Movies generally run for around 20 minutes, and you can have them playing in the corner of your screen while you browse the rest of the page, but not the rest of the site.

All you will see on the rest of the page are some screenshots which don't enlarge, the upload dates and some basic details. The pages are very simple, and we’re not told when new updates will be added. You’ll also find some adverts and other scenes to view next. If you want extras, there are 45 behind-the-scenes bonus videos in their own area.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 4/5
  • Navigation Ease: 7/10
  • Features: 5/10

As I mentioned, Private Playground XXX is a simple site, and this means you concentrate on the movies, and not the peripherals. Some more info would be good to see, especially an update schedule, but the site has grown by 50 videos in the last 18 months, which is roughly two new scenes per month. Although you can arrange the vids by series on the Series page, you can't arrange the videos in any other way than what you see (date order). There is a search box, but no other category lists, tag words or search functions.

Similarly, there are no interactive functions like ‘add to favourites’ or rates, and you can’t leave comments. It was only while searching for the contact/support link that I happened upon the basic model index, but the support link is also at the bottom of the pages should you need it. As long as you accept the site is all about the sex videos and not much else, you won't need any support, and everything worked just fine.

Your ticket to this orgy of bareback will cost you a very reasonable $14.95 per month, recurring, or an equally as reasonable $19.95 for 30 days, non-recurring. You can pay with a card or with PayPal.

Members Area Screenshots


Private Playground XXX is all about the sex; sex at orgies, intimate duos, wild porn parties, threesomes, you name it, it goes on here. It’s also about a heap of varied amateur guys appearing in wild bareback, and there’s a party atmosphere to the scenes through which you can smell the cum. It's certainly wild, it’s decent quality, though sometimes dark, and there is only one option for streaming. Updates happen, the site is growing, and it’s not losing its edge.

Pros & Cons

  • + Exclusive bareback parties
  • + Easy to use
  • + Good price
  • + Lots of varied amateur guys
  • + Great atmosphere
  • - Streaming only
  • - Sometimes dark vids
  • - No choice of playback resolution