Bent Boys
Bent Boys 4066 Bent Boys This site comes to you from Canada, and Bent Productions, a company of three friends who set out to make exclusive and HD porn.
Monthly price $ 12.95
Our total rating: 0/10001

Bent Boys

Reviewed 2010-01-26 l Last update on

Bent Boys

Short Review

This site comes to you from Canada, and Bent Productions, a company of three friends who set out to make exclusive and HD porn. Now they are putting this porn on their own site, Bentboys, and letting members see new content on a regular basis. It's new and growing but there is also an archive of other hot guys and movies, pics and things to see and do that members can access. There are not too many new exclusives to be found as yet but give it time.

0/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

You'll have to excuse me if I've got these numbers wrong but I think there were only six original and exclusive movies so far on the site. I think. To be honest I found the navigation and layout very confusing and rather amateurish and, most of the time, I wasn't sure what I was looking at or where I was going.

I found some scenes listed from the home page and from the Videos tab in the top menu. These were available in three qualities of WMV and Quicktime and were a mix of solo and action scenes with gay and bi boys. Although the company is based in Canada they say they work with guys from all around the world, but so far it's white and twinky as our main theme.

The viewing was fine, once the downloads had happened, or once Id entered my membership details to start a stream, which I did in WMV, where the lowest quality resolution was 1.66mbps @ 640 x 360 in size. (There is also an iPod friendly version to take too.) The filming was good, the boys were cute, the sex started more or less straight away, and the lighting and sound were also fine. Nothing dazzlingly special, but got enough to satisfy.

I clicked along the short list of titles, things like After school relief and Keith's shower and found the same viewing options with each one. I didn't find links to pics or galleries though and no information or background about the boys or the scenes, not even their upload dates. However there was a little more information in the model index where I found seven boys, complete with basic stats and some images that opened up to a reasonable size, to start with then you click larger and get a huge 2584 x 2072 which means you can examine the fibers on the carpet but you may not be able to fit the model in. (The smaller size is just fine though.)

From the model index is was a back-button event to get to the home page where Id noticed a link to the archives - the menu had vanished in the model index, so if you go a long way in you'll have a long way to reverse out again. But look for Brandons Private Collection for your other content there's a link on the home page it's purple. Again you may have a bit of a trial getting in click any link that appears and enter your membership details again then you're in an area where you have to choose and set your video speed, then you select a clip from a console the likes of which you see on feed sites there is loads of (non-exclusive?) porn here in various categories.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

But this is navigation nightmare city! Once you're in that private collection you're in and stuck. You have to back button everywhere, you've got to enter your membership details to get to it, you've got pages that link you back to the same place over and again and well, the navigation really got to my nerves after a while. And that's partly due to the design. I get the impression that this company are great at making porn the videos and models are hot, though limited in number, but it's not so good at splashing out on a good web designer. It all looks and feels rather amateurish and thus you get a cumbersome experience as you move around the site.

There are not many extra features either. A few stats with the models, a link to the company's store and to their blog. The blog is actually a good pace to find out more information about what's going on and who's doing what there is more info here than there is in the main site.

For a short while (you may be too late now) there was also free access to another site included, and the sign up price of Bent Boys was really low to reflect the fact that it is new and that there isn't much HD exclusive content as yet. But this may well change as the site grows so get in there fast and stay a member for more horny and original boys and that big, though confusing, archive.



Members Area Screenshots


You've got to remember that this is a new site and one that will, hopefully, listen to its members and its critics and knock the design and navigation into shape. They simply need to pay someone (or fire someone and hire someone else) to sort out the way the site looks and works. The porn is good, the guys are hot and these are indeed HD and exclusive videos (more galleries please!), but the site is simply too tricky to use to make it fun.

Pros & Cons

  • + Exclusive content
  • + Exclusive models
  • + HD format content
  • + A large archive of bonus content
  • - A hard site to navigate
  • - Unimpressive design
  • - Confusing
  • - Very little content yet