My Boys Party
My Boys Party 666 My Boys Party Well what can I say, there is nothing better than having a gay party every now and then. This is the sort of content you will find on the site. Boys having fun, and partying non-stop.
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Our total rating: 0/10001

My Boys Party

Reviewed 2008-07-01 l Last update on

My Boys Party

Short Review

Well what can I say, there is nothing better than having a gay party every now and then. This is the sort of content you will find on the site. Boys having fun, and partying non-stop. Most of these guys don't know what they are getting themselves into. Take Craig for example. He had no idea what was coming, He was broke, and looking for a cheap room to rent, and fell into temptation. That's the sort of thing that can happen here at My Boys Party. I hope you enjoy the site like I did.

0/100 0
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  • Exclusivity: 0/5
  • Updates: 0/5
  • Originality: 0/10
  • Quality: 0/15
  • Speed: 0/15
  • Quantity: 0/15

This site is pretty much your reality based style of website. The theme is a party, and yep everyone is invited to it. The guys in here are quite young, and love nothing better than sucking the cock.

Well I don't quite know how to describe this site as I am not gay and I am having a little trouble working out what's what on a gay site. I am trying my best so please be friendly to me until we get a gay reviewer lol.

Ok let me give you an example of what you will see on this site. This is one of the videos descriptions that you will see next to every video.

Bastian's eyes almost popped out of his head when I told him that we needed $1400 in rent from him every month, so I knew that we had a shot at working out a trade to get the price down. It was obvious that he loved what we worked out...he shot his load halfway across the room while my dick was buried inside him!

You will be able to view the videos in a couple of different ways. The first is Regular Size, and the second is Large Size, you will then get to pick if you have 56k or broadband.

As for the other content on the site you will get to view over 30 pages of extra downloadable porn. This is without a doubt one of the biggest give aways I have ever seen. You also get access to 9 bonus sites, and 40 XXX Videos sites. This would have to be one of the biggest free give aways I have ever seen in my reviewing porn time. There is so much much content on the site that I haven't listed. I would highly recommend you guys join the site and check it out first hand and let me what you think about it.

Nav, Design & Features

  • Design: 0/5
  • Navigation Ease: 0/10
  • Features: 0/10

Well your going to have no problems here cause it's as simple as using Google. Let me give you a step by step guide to working this site out.

From the moment you log into the site you will see all the videos laid out right in front of you. From here you can scroll down the page looking for the hottest girl you can find, you will want to view her video. Ok lets say you find a hot girl, and you wanna watch her video. Ok well first you will click on her thumbnail image, and you will be taken straight to her video page, from there you can pick which video size you would like to download them you would pick if you are on 56k or broadband. After you have done all of this you will be taken to where the video will be streamed. You will notice that the videos have all been cut into 15 smaller clip rather than having one big single file. This is a lot better as you can skip through to the good bits and it's quicker to load as well.

The site is pretty much the same all the way through and I very much doubt that you will run into any troubles why you are a member of this site. If you do have any troubles with the site I recommend that you click on the Support link, and those guys will be able to help you out with anything that you may need.



Members Area Screenshots


Well this was not a bad website. I am it wasn't anything too special. Don't get me wrong the content is great, and it's 100% exclusive to this site, which means that you will not find this content on any other website on the net. The only thing I didn't rate was the theme. It says Party and I thought party was going to be like a gang bang or something like that. I hope they add some party content some time soon. Other than that it rocks.

Pros & Cons

  • + Hot Models
  • + Nice Content
  • + Great Design and Navigation