Reviewed 2009-04-09 l Last update on 2024-03-06
Male Digital is your way in to a huge stock of streaming and downloadable gay porn. There are huge promises, such as 1,389 DVDs , loads of categories and multiple updates every day. And you certainly get treated to quantity, quality and variety when you join this vast library of all things hot and horny. From twinks to bears and amateurs to pro porn stars youll find it all here.
Its really a question of deciding what you want to see and then searching for it. Actually Male Digital makes this easy and there are various ways to get to the movies you want. Once logged in you can use the Browse Content function (including a filter for bisexual content) and choose your movies by title, category or series. Youre able to see what are the current, most popular, scenes and what has been added recently, and these recent additions come with trailers. You also have an All DVDs link in the top menu, so you can leap straight across to the full list. When I did this I found 242 movies, presumably cut up into the promised 1,389 scenes. The tour is very similar to the members area so you have a chance to see what I mean before you sign up.
I was interested to find out about the promise of exclusivity here and browsed through the list, checking out as many box covers as I could before I simply had to go and view something. There were a few different studios with movies here, I found US Male, Miami Studios and Eagle in the list. In fact there were 12 studios with presentations here including some Id never heard of before. So exclusive or not there is certainly choice. You can see that from the drop down menus in the All DVDs area where you can filter titles by name, series, category or studio.
So, there is a lot to view here and good search and sort options. Things bet even better when you finally settle on a title. Under the twink category, where there were 386 scenes, I found pages that showed front and back box-shots, stills from each scene, the run times, file size and, in some cases, the names of the models. Clicking further in to view a scene you find a neat console with loads of viewing options: WMV downloads, Quicktime downloads, a choice of quality, progressive/streaming downloads and a download calculator this will give you a rough idea of how long a scene will take to save, according to your connection speed. Three are also more screenshots here and a link to even more screenshots in a thumbnail to full sized image layout. These are screen caps so dont expect huge digital stills, the ones I found were 720 x 480 taken from the high quality version of the scene, which when streamed ran at 2.09Mbps.
As for quality, Male Digital seeks out the better quality productions from its studios and, apart from having a choice of resolutions, you will also find good quality filming. And that great variety too of course. Basically, if you want to view on line or download without restrictions, hundreds of quality DVDs then this is the place for you.
Male Digital also serves you well in terms of navigation and design. You've seen how easy it is to sort your content and its equally as easy to find your way around. The top menu stays with you so you can always jump back to home or the start of the All section; in that section the pages are clearly numbered so you can simply click through them and when you filter your content by category or studio you also have numbered pages to guide you around. Considering that there are so many images on these pages, with cover shots and sample screencaps, the pages load nice and quickly,.
Youre not told a huge amount about the scenes, its left up to the images to describe them for you but the images are large enough and clear and you have a trailer with each one too. It might have been nice to have had some more info on stars and studios, some stats and release dates etc. But you get plenty of info and warning about whats coming soon. The Updates page will fill you in here with its list of the most recent scenes and six pages of what to expect in the near future. Another neat feature is the counter which is counting down to the time of the next update. You'll find this at the top of various pages you always have something new to look forward to here. Similarly there are not many interactive options, no comments or ratings can be made and there wasnt an add to favourites function which would have helped personalise the site.
There are links to a DVD store, the Bisexual part of the network, other sites of interest and a help area should you need it. But mainly Male Digital is about feasting your eyes on hours, days, weeks of hardcore and varied gay porn.
This is certainly a great collection of well made and varied porn movies and a great value for money site. There is masses of tempting coming soon news, good search and sort options, a good choice of viewing qualities and hours of movies already uploaded. The neat viewing console and the count down to the next addition are great little extras. This is one of the top places to come for unrestricted DVD viewing.